Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. —Samuel Smiles
“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”

Samuel Smiles Scottish author

Pass It On®
Pass It On®

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Your Comments
Sandor from Oakland AUGUST 3, 2018
The thing about hope is that its Limitless. It Knows what is not yet known. A world that is better where we all get along.A place that is not yet but for sure will come. Hope makes all possible .

Anonymous AUGUST 3, 2018
reminds me of a quote I've kept since college days. "He sees not his shadow who faces the sun." By Andre Gide, I think.

Rachel from San Francisco DECEMBER 16, 2016
We are all DESPERATE to put the shadows in our lives behind us. Never stop seeking the suns light to help us do it.

Sandor Alex Szamosi from S.F. bay area DECEMBER 16, 2016
I have not seen the light until just recently I was stumbling and falling in the dark most of my life butt now because I have been in the dark I not only see the light the light but can feel it as well in my heart.

Lisa from Massachusetts DECEMBER 16, 2016
December 16, 2016 As I sit here in frigid New England awaiting a major snow storm, my brother is sitting in his warm home in Miami. Anyway, I hope that he is reading this particular quote on-line. It's SO true- the warmth of the sun is healing, and who among us doesn't want to abandon their burdens and make a new start?